Pages with no internal links, i.e. links followed during Squidler
tests, are considered dead ends. Pages that don't show any such
links within a few seconds trigger this problem.
When navigating from one page to another, and then navigating back, some
pages fail to restore the scroll position to where the user started. Especially
on long pages with lots of scrolls, like product listings or social media websites,
this can be very confusing and frustrating for users.
This problem also applies to forward navigating of the browser history.
A common issue in responsive layouts, is that images get squeezed out of proportion.
This can also happen if you explicitly set incorrect dimensions that don't match
the actual image dimensions.
When some elements that are too wide cause the layout to overflow, there's
unindented horizontal scrolling. This often happens at certain viewport widths
or specific dynamic content, like long words.
When there's a relatively small horizontal scrollability, Squidler considers it a problem.
Broken pages are those where the server responded with a status code indicating a bad request or server
error. Squidler can also identify pages without such status codes, but where the content indicates a broken
Blank pages, those without any visible text or media within a particular
viewport, are considered problems. This is because they indicate a problem
with the page, such as a missing resource, JavaScript errors, bad responsive
layout, or other rendering issues.
Pages with missing titles negatively affect the user experience and SEO.
With many programming languages, frameworks, and frontend rendering technologies,
there's a risk that code snippets or other technical artifacts end up visible on
the page. This can be a security risk, or just look bad or be confusing. Some
common examples include:
and null
and Infinity
[object Object]
{"json": "literals"}
If you intend to render code, make sure to wrap it in <code>
tags to avoid false positives.